Ep. 09 – Exploring The Spirit Molecule w/ Marc Marcel

In this episode, we have our 5-minute Focused Shift, as always, which is a guided heart meditation with a 528Hz pure tone. And our Spirit, mind, body or SMB discussion focus this week is Exploring The spirit Molecule with our special guest, Marc Marcel. 

Marc is a world-renowned poet, author, philosopher, DMT expert, cartoonist and creator of the animated series Gurus. He tells us all about his animated series, Gurus on Youtube and he takes us deep into our SMB discussion topic. (Interview starts at 11:55 timecode).

Check out the Gurus Channel Here. 

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Ep. 08 – Are You Addicted to Negative Emotions & Thoughts?

In this episode, we have our 5-minute Focused Shift which is the new guided heart meditation written by Deepak Chopra with a 528Hz pure tone. And our Spirit, mind, body or SMB discussion focus this week is Are You Addicted to Negative Emotions & Thoughts? Do you wallow in your misery? And if so how long? Let’s talk about it.

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Ep. 07 – The Love Frequency

In this episode, we have a brand new 5-minute Focused Shift. This is a powerful guided heart meditation and afterthoughts written by Deepak Chopra and includes a 528 Hz pure tone. And our spirit, mind, body or SMB discussion focus this week is on the love frequency. We’re talking about the Map of Consciousness by David R. Hawkins and unconditional love.

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Ep. 06 – Do You Know Your Shadow Self?

In this episode, of course, we have our 5-minute Focused Shift guided meditation. And our Spirit, mind, body or SMB discussion focus this week is on the shadow self. Do you know your Shadow Self? You don’t have a shadow self huh? Well, guess what, we all have a shadow.  We will talk about ways to find and integrate your shadow self.

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Ep. 05 – Synchronicity 11:11

In this episode, of course, we have our 5-minute Focused Shift guided meditation. And our Spirit, mind, body or SMB discussion focus is on Synchronicity 11:11. Are you seeing number sequences like 1111 or 2222 or any sequences multiple times? Do you think of a friend and then that person calls? We discuss what these synchronicities mean and why this is happening to you. 

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Ep. 03 – Calling All Empaths! w/ Miriam Popp

In this episode, we, of course, will have our 5-minute Focused Shift. And in our SMB discussion we ask, Are you an empath? What is an empath? We discuss how to identify if you are one and how to protect your energy. We also have our very first special guest, the lovely Miriam Popp of Vibrant Lifestyle Coaching. She drops some valuable jewels on us, touches on our SMB topic and leaves us with an amazing free gift. Click here for Miriam’s free Emotion Detox Journal Prompt Guide.

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